Guidance to a better understanding

Europäische Akademie Berlin

Bismarckallee 46/48
14193 Berlin

Workshop for NGO representatives in the field of anti-racism work from Germany and other EU countries
By invitation after application
Europe against Racism Projektfoto

The two-day seminar addresses the needs and experiences of NGO representatives in the field of anti-racism work from Germany and other EU countries and specifically integrates the relevant EU measures. It offers a platform for the in-depth exchange of experiences, the discussion of advanced action strategies and the development of partnerships for different target groups. The targeted networking and cooperation of participants at EU level creates synergies and lays the foundation for future joint projects and initiatives.

Target group:

NGO representatives from Germany, Croatia, Austria, and other EU countries who are active in the field of anti-racism work

Participants apply with a concrete idea for a project; three of these are to be developed into a draft proposal in the project


- Deepening the understanding of anti-Semitism and racism in a European context

- Exchange of experience and networking between experienced NGO representatives from different countries

- Reflection on many years of work and future challenges in the field of anti-racism at EU level

- Discussion and further development of advanced action strategies and best practices; development of an educational concept for the realisation of a project idea

Participation is free of charge, including accommodation, subsistence as indicated in the draft programme and programme costs. Up to six participants from EU-countries abroad can receive a refund of their travel costs of up to 275 Euros.

Are you interested in participating in our workshop? Then please contact Renate Krekeler-Koch ( with your project idea and a short description of the NGO you are representing. Deadline for registration is July 12, 2024.


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