Renate Krekeler-Koch

Advisor on civic education
Renate Krekeler-Koch Teamfoto 2

All in all, our education officer Renate Krekeler-Koch likes to travel in her mind. Which is why even the vastness of Russia and the shoals of Slavic Studies were no longer enough at some point. From all over Europe, from Israel or even the Ivory Coast, the young people Renate brought together in countless encounters as a speaker in the Catholic Ludwig-Wolker-Verein - to experience history together, discuss politics or play theatre. Two things became clear to Renate: Faith is something very active. And she personally has a special talent: listening, creating encounters, connecting people. All of them.
Through numerous trainings on diversity, anti-bias and mediation, Renate has qualified herself and has been EAB's Gender Representative since this year.



Curriculum vitae