Europe on Track 2024


Interrail meets politics - this year on the road on the subject of security in Germany, Austria, Slovenia and Hungary.

The innovative exchange project "Europe on track" invites young citizens and encourages them to think about security and European integration and to participate in decision-making processes. Young Europeans will literally board a train that crosses at least four countries.
With study visits and public events, the young people will research good examples and challenges on the topic in advance. They will discuss, argue and consult with experts and political decision-makers and then travel on again. This year's trip will end in Budapest, Hungary. As a result, the participants will present a catalog of proposals for improving European security policy to the Hungarian EU Council Presidency in Budapest.

The participants will not only discuss the diversity of Europe, but also experience it in the truest sense of the word. We will use the European railroad lines - from Eurocity to local trains - to develop them into a communication network and connect different stations for thematic adventure trips.

We are looking for four participants from Germany to travel with us from 20.09. to 01.10.2024. Are you interested? Then send your application with the completed document to Renate Krekeler-Koch Deadline for applying is July 7, 2024.


Programme Director