Digital Lines of Life and Death

The Nazi persecution of Sinti and Roma? A foreign word to many young people in particular. This comes as no surprise, since coming to terms with the crimes committed against the European Sinti and Roma under the National Socialists was a long time coming. And to this day, the genocide is hardly anchored in the European culture of remembrance. Discrimination and exclusion, on the other hand, are still the order of the day. Therefore, in the project Digital Lines of Life and Death: Nazi persecution of Sinti and Roma in Hybrid Graphic Novels, we would like to raise awareness among younger people in particular to the fate of the Sinti and Roma and encourage them to reflect on stereotypes and prejudices.
Autobiographies and documentaries are less and less successful in doing this - that's why we want to tread new digital paths and prepare two biographies of victims from Germany and the Czech Republic in graphic novels and make them accessible to interested people, international youth encounters and memorial site visits together with additional multimedia didactic materials on a website (
The project takes place in cooperation with the Landesverband Deutscher Sinti und Roma Berlin-Brandenburg e.V., Gedenkstätte Zwangslager Berlin-Marzahn as well as the Museum der Roma-Kultur in Brno and with the support of Auswärtigen Amtes and the Stiftung "Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft" (EVZ) as part of the programme "Jugend erinnert".
Photo: Zwangslager Berlin-Marzahn, Copyright: Gedenkstätte Zwangslager Berlin-Marzahn e.V.
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A forgotten history? The persecution of Sinti and Roma in the Nazi era
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