Experience Europe in Brussels
Rue du Parnasse 19
1050 Brüssel

Unboxing Europe travels to Brussels!
From Sunday 28 August to Wednesday 31 August 2022, teachers from adult education centres in North Rhine-Westphalia and course participants will travel together to Brussels, the heart of Europe. As part of the Unboxing Europe project, the EAB will visit the European Parliament with the participants, talk to European decision-makers and engage in a constructive and stimulating dialogue with civil society actors.
During the three intensive days in Brussels, the study tour will focus on current issues that have always preoccupied Europe and continue to do so. We ask ourselves, what interests you as participants in your everyday life in Europe? Together with experts, we will discuss the following questions: How social and just is Europe? What digital opportunities and risks await the #nextgenEU in the coming years? When does engagement work and where are you heard as an EU citizen?
Participants will talk on the ground with key decision-makers and European actors from think tanks and NGOs, including:
- Ambassador Thomas Ossowski, Representative of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Political and Security Committee, Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany to the European Union.
- Katrin Langensiepen, MEP, Vice-Chair and Member of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs
- Klaus Hullmann, Administrator in the Committee of the Regions
Attached below, you can find more information about the speakers on the event page. Here you will find a draft programme as well as a competence-oriented seminar plan.
If you are a teacher at an adult education centre in NRW and are interested in participating in the study trip, please contact Paula Boden (030 89 59 51 27 | pb@eab-berlin.eu) by phone or e-mail.
There are still a few places available, so the rule is still: first come, first serve.
It is important to note that the study trip (travel, accommodation, meals and all activities) is completely free of charge for participating teachers and their course participants.
Unboxing Europe is funded by the Mercator Foundation.
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