Europe is female !
Bismarckallee 46/48
14193 Berlin
With the vernissage, the project Europe is Female enters its final phase. We are shining the spotlight on the themes, works and thoughts of the participants and want to create a worthy conclusion to this inspiring project.
Over the past four months, 20 young women from Portugal, Lithuania, Croatia and Germany have taken part in various workshops. In these, they have dealt intensively with the topics of equality and participation and have channelled their thoughts and experiences into works of art. We want to celebrate these artistic works and the end of the Europe is Female project together with you at this vernissage, therefore we cordially invite you to spend an Advent afternoon with us and the participants of the project at the European Academy Berlin.
So what awaits us this evening?
The evening will begin with a short expert discussion on the topic of equality and participation and the possibilities of art to empower and strengthen human beings.
Afterwards, the vernissage will officially begin, where all the works and results of the workshops in Portugal, Croatia and Lithuania will be exhibited in the various rooms of the European Academy Berlin. This will be complemented by interactive results from the various project phases. The vernissage was designed and organised directly with the participants.
We look forward to an empowering and inspiring evening together.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us at any time. The event will be held in English.
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