CLIMACY | Practical seminar in Berlin, Germany
Europäische Akademie Berlin e.V. Bismarckallee 46/48
14193 Berlin Deutschland

The second practical seminar is dedicated to the exchange of experiences and peer learning of the participants with German organizations, including the European perspective and the interface with the topic of gender equality. A competence training will provide participants with best practice examples on networking and cooperation. A hybrid final event will present the results, which will be discussed together with experts. There is the possibility of further networking and planning for the implementation of the advocacy projects. The network will be sustainably strengthened through direct exchange and further multipliers will be involved.
The project combines different activities: In May, participants will got to know each other at a digital kick-off workshop, which addressed the challenges of climate impact adaptation in Georgia and Germany. During the first seminar in Tbilisi, participants and experts from Georgian organizations exchanged ideas on climate protection work. During the working phase, participants worked individually and in transnational teams to develop an advocacy strategy on a specific climate impact adaptation issue. Two digital networking meetings were offered in parallel, where participants exchanged information on the status of their projects and received advice. The second seminar in Berlin is dedicated to the exchange of experiences with a focus on the European perspective and gender equality. The results and learnings will be collected on a multilingual blog page.
The application procedure is closed!
Society for Nature Conservation, SABUKO, was founded in 2014 with the aim of conserving species and their habitats. Its mission is to protect, conserve and restore wildlife in Georgia. Find out more:
With kind support by the Federal Foreign Office Germany.
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