RECLAIM | European Role Models

RECLAIM 2023 | Resilient Women in Digital Space: Feminist Foreign and Local Politics

In 2023 there is still a long way to go to create gender equality in the world and also in Europe. Even today, women are still underrepresented in political decision-making, and many women also state that politics is male-dominated because they are often not trusted enough. In reality, there are many causes for this imbalance - but where is the best place to start to eliminate it?With the "RECLAIM | European Role Models" project, we contribute to giving women a voice in society and in debates and encouraging them to participate in policy-making despite structural disadvantages. "RECLAIM" is aimed at female activists and local politicians from Europe. It aims to raise awareness of gender inequalities, find ways to deal with them and empower each other - online and on the street. Because despite all the hurdles that women can face on the way to equality: Democratic processes need more than just one half of society.

The project contributes to supporting resilient women in digital space in order to give them the skills and experiences to make their voice heard! The project combines training sessions and best-case sharing on feminist European policy. It focuses on effective communication and leadership skills in order to be able to participate effectively in political discourse and decision-making; strengthening media skills to be more confident on social media;

tackling digital hate speech and gender disinformation; and creating a European support network for local politicians and activists.

The project duration is from 2023-2025.

Overview of project activities (2023):

  • 10 August 2023: Digital launch event
  • 6 September | 27 September | 10 October 2023: Three digital workshops on media literacy (digital leadership, combating hate speech and communication strategies) with methods of co-creation processes, including the presentation of best-cases;
  • October/November: An individual work phase to develop their own communication campaigns or strategies according to their local needs;
  • November 2023: Decentralized network meetings organized by the participants, aiming to connect them with peers and other politicians and activists in their region;
  • December 2023: Closing event

With kind support of the the German Federal Foreign Office.


In cooperation with Association for International Affairs (AMO), Polish Robert Schuman Foundation, and ELIAMEP.


 Schumann-Foundation Logo





Programme Director