The Project will consist of five phases:
- First Phase: Project kick-off (5th July 2021 | Online): Get to know each other, networking, setting goals, first impulses on gender gaps and women in the digitalized world.
- Second phase: Four Capacity-building online-trainings (6-16 July 2021 | Online): Online training on digital literacy, self-portrayal and communication in social media, digital storytelling, dealing with sexism and hate speech on the net, design of campaigns/videos/projects online.
- Third Phase: Regional workshop (Saturday, 24 July 2021 | Hybrid & Regional: Berlin/Tbilisi/Minsk/Yerevan): Regional meetings (1 day) in the participating countries with occasional live switching to the other meetings, best practices/input from interesting female personalities, development of first ideas for own projects , presentation of the discussion results/exchange of ideas .
- Fourth Phase: Working phase (August-October 2021 | Online and offline): Work phase of the participants, development of strategies/projects/campaigns etc. (individually or in transnational teams).
- Fifth Phase: Closing workshop and Networking event (Thursday, 18th – Saturday, 20th November 2021 | Berlin): 2 Joint workshops in Berlin with work phases and completion of the projects as well as definition of further goals/strategies, ambassadors/train the trainer elements.
The project takes place in cooperation with ForSet, RADA and ArmActive Youth Center and with the kind support of the Federal Foreign Office
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