Europe behind the Headlines 2024

Foto Radiosendung DLF November 2020

In times of crisis and societal change, people seek for reliable information on EU‘s political, societal and cultural developments. “Europe behind the Headlines” will fulfil these needs by broadcasting entertaining and informative panel discussions about current EU topics.

The EAB will organize panel discussions with policymakers, experts and citizens, that will be live streamed or recorded and later aired and as podcast.

The panel discussions are open to the general public and aim to include the citizen's views and opinion before and during the debate.

In order to achieve a high outreach EAB established collaborations with a public service broadcasters such as rbb Inforadio and Deutschlandfunk. With their support, the panel discussions will be broadcasted and communicated through the channel "Forum – Die Debatte im Inforadio (rbb)" and "Podiumsdiskussion – Der Diskurs im Deutschlandfunk Kultur" as well as EAB’s own social media streams.

The project is designed to respond quickly to political events. The European perspective is included and considered through experts and stakeholders cut in online from outside of Germany. This is important to put the national German perspective into the European context.

The project is also designed to fight disinformation. During the panel discussions, experts, stakeholders and citizens are invited to exchange their views on the topic at hand. A professional facilitator helps to clarify open questions, to work out different points of view and to debunk myths.

Altough the discussions and recordings will take place in Berlin, all radio stations are transmitted throughout the German speaking countries in Europe. The podcast show is available on all streaming portals such as Spotify, iTunes or Deezer. Both reach a wide audience.

Programme Director
Project partners