SAFE Digital Kick-Off Event


14193 Berlin

Sustainable Action for Future Engagement
By registration
Kick Off safe Bild 1

At the digital kick-off, the participants get to know each other and the project is presented. ‘SAFE’ combines urban environmental protection and volunteer work with media skills and the strengthening and networking of communities.

Despite the urgency of climate and environmental protection, only a few groups, even in the Berlin metropolitan region, are still sufficiently informed and engaged in their immediate surroundings to make a contribution to urban environmental protection. The 1.5 degree target is moving further and further away and the consequences of climate change are also becoming increasingly noticeable for us in Germany and Berlin. The interest and urge to act on pressing environmental issues is there. Young adults with and without a history of migration find themselves facing this overwhelming prospect in the big city, in their neighbourhoods and districts, often without any concrete options for action.

The project ‘SAFE. Sustainable Action for Future Engagement’ project makes a contribution to urban environmental protection by strengthening voluntary work and volunteering. Under the motto ‘Think global, act local’, interested people learn about effective engagement for urban environmental and climate protection.

Have you always wanted to get involved in urban environmental protection in Berlin? Would you like to network with other environmental activists and like-minded people? Have you always wanted to know how content can be packaged in podcasts, videos and graphic design for specific target groups and acquire new digital skills? Would you like to gain experience in voluntary work, get in touch with different communities in the neighbourhood and actively participate in the Berlin Day of Action?

Overview of the 2024 project activities:

  • Kick-off & get to know each other, July 01 | digital

  • Podcast media workshop, 02 - 03 July | EAB

  • Canva & graphic design media workshop, 09 - 10 July | EAB

  • Video media workshop, 16 - 17 July | EAB

  • Implementation phase with support, August - September

  • Berlin World Clean-Up Day, 21 September

  • Networking day, 25 October | EAB

The project is funded by the BMI on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag.

Study management
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