Dr. Christian Johann

Since 1963, the Europäische Akademie Berlin has been a place of international encounter and political education. From a wide variety of social and political perspectives, people can acquire the skills to understand and shape Europe at this non-partisan and independently organised place.
Our target groups are those people who pass on their knowledge or use it in their everyday decisions: Teachers, politicians, journalists. In the EAB they find a place that gives space for good thoughts, for exchange and for impulses and ideas. Always driven by international diversity and always open to the perspectives of all those interested in European, democratic and social developments, the EAB has two essential characteristics: It deals with current topics related to Europe and it involves all people who want to get involved in Europe and democracy on an equal footing.
We look forward to making our perspectives, our unique conference venue, our project competence and, above all, our networks available to you as well, in order to work with you on a Europe of tomorrow.
Dr. Christian Johann
Director of the Europäische Akademie Berlin
Christian Johann holds a doctorate in history and is an experienced director of educational institutions in the field of political and vocational education. He wrote his dissertation as part of an international research project on middle classes and the welfare state in the USA. His research focuses on social policy, political communication and cohesion.
Johann is a member of various boards and advisory councils in the field of international encounter and political education, including the European Movement Germany and the Working Group of German Educational Institutions. As part of the speaker pool of the Federal Agency for Civic Education, he regularly gives lectures on democracy. As an expert on the topics of European integration, international organisations, democracy and political education, he is a sought-after discussion partner for politicians and the press.
Public contributions by Christian Johann can be found here. His podcast "Way Into Politics" on current political-social topics can be found wherever good podcasts are available.
E: direktor@eab-berlin.eu
Curriculum vitae
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