Felix Klein Visits EAB

The Commissioner of the German Government for Jewish Life in Germany and the Fight Against Antisemitism, Dr. Felix Klein, visited the European Academy Berlin on October 23, 2023. Since its inception, the EAB has been committed to making a contribution to the fight against antisemitism and peaceful coexistence in Germany and Europe through its diverse offerings for international understanding and political education on European topics.
During his visit, Petra Merkel and Christian Johann presented the Commissioner with the history, work, and facilities of the EAB. The visit was intended as a sign of cooperation and a willingness to support the fight against antisemitism in Germany and Europe.
"The daily work of our team is based on the fundamental belief that antisemitism must never again take hold in our society. All educational and exchange programs offered by the EAB in Berlin, Germany, and Europe are aimed at reducing prejudices against other people and thereby immunizing against bias and hatred. I would like to thank Commissioner Dr. Klein for his visit to the EAB during these days, and also to discuss how our institution can actively and concretely support its work and goals. In addition to expressions of solidarity, we want to leverage our strengths and networks as specifically as possible. In workshops, training programs, or networking events, we will do everything to make a noticeable contribution,"
emphasized Christian Johann, the Director of the European Academy Berlin.
Whether in seminars on Jewish life in Berlin and Germany, teacher exchanges, or the organization of memorial site visits, the EAB always highlights the most terrible consequences that hatred and intolerance can have in a society. One of the central areas of EAB's work is its involvement in memorial projects throughout Europe. Together with foundations, partner institutions, and many volunteers, the EAB will continue and, wherever possible, intensify its decades-long commitment to combating antisemitism and promoting international understanding.
Some of the already planned, completed, and upcoming projects and events include:
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