Unboxing Y-Europe
Bismarckallee 46/48
14193 Berlin

In Unboxing Y-Europe, we aim at creating a digital toolbox that supports immigrants and refugees upon their arrival in Europe by providing insights into the most important facts about Europe and the European Union. In addition to the legal framework, the tool wants to focus on Union values and possibilities for participation in European societies. Within the framework of both digital as well as Berlin-based workshops, a critical perspective on the recent state of immigration as well as its legal framework will be discussed. The development of the toolbox will be based on interviews and direct exchange with the final target group of Newcomers.
We are looking for participants to join the project and co-create the final tool with us. The project includes the following building blocks in which you will be able to participate actively:
- a digital Kick-Off workshop
- a project week in Berlin (30 July – 5 August 2023, incl. travel). The detailled outline will be available by Friday, 23 June 2023.
- two shorter digital collaboration session in which the toolbox will be evaluated and finalised
Within the project week, participants will interview Newcomers and / or organisations working with newcomers, will learn more about diverse digital tools as well as the creation of new learning materials that portray and underline the framework of the European Union as well as important Union values. The participants will strengthen their project management and collaboration skills, will learn more about the European Union and relevant frameworks for newcomers as well as discuss recent developments in a diverse and transnational group.
The project is financed through the CERV programme of the European Union as well as the Stiftung Mercator. Due to this, participation in the project is free.
- You are a between the age of 19 and 30 years old.
- Your primary place of residence (not nationality!) is currently in an EU country.
- You are interested in the political and social framework of the European Union with a focus on innovative approaches for the inclusion of people with migration history and refugees.
- You are fluent in English.
- You are able and willing to participate in all activities of the project. (see above)
To apply please fill out the data sheet and send it to us with a short motivation letter (max. 1 page). Please consider the following questions:
- What motivates you to participate in the project?
- Why should we choose you as participant?
- Which skills and talents do you bring into the project team?
- What do you want to learn from this experience?
- What else should we know about you?
30 participants from the three participating countries will be invited to take part in the project.
Application deadline: 16 July 2023
Please send the documents as a PDF document to: Ute Böhr, ub@eab-berlin.eu
We are looking forward to your application!
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