Digital Closing | RECLAIM | European Role Models
Europäische Akademie Berlin e.V. Bismarckallee 46/48
14193 Berlin Deutschland

In 2023 there is still a long way to go to create gender equality in the world and also in Europe. Even today, women are still underrepresented in political decision-making, and many women also state that politics is male-dominated because they are often not trusted enough. In reality, there are many causes for this imbalance - but where is the best place to start to eliminate it?
As always, our digital closing event is about equal participation - this time focusing on human rights. We invite a role model from Greece who can provide you with exciting insights!
“Promoting equal representation of women in public and political life is a key factor to address gender discrimination at its root, including cultural and social norms that perpetuate sexist attitudes and behaviors.”
The application procedure is closed!
With kind support of the European Union and the German Federal Foreign Office.
In cooperation with Association for International Affairs (AMO), Polish Robert Schuman Foundation, and ELIAMEP.
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