EU - United we stand

EU - United we stand is an international project seeking to answer the big question of how a succesful European integration is possible. By engaging EU-citizens in an inter-generational dialogue and transnational discussions we look deeper into existing narratives and common experiences.
What's about? - The year 1990 marks a watershed in both German and European history. After the socialist regimes of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) had been swept away by the revolutions of 1989, Europeans faced the triple problem of how to build stable democracies in CEE, how to re-unify the two German states and how to establish a sustainable peace order in Europe. From today´s point of view, the solution seems to be more than obvious: By integrating both Germany and the “new” democracies of CEE into the EU, Europeans have successfully killed “the devils of the past”– just as Robert Schuman had foreseen in his Declaration of 1950. But is this really true? Have we really overcome our mutual fears and prejudices? Are we really satisfied with the current state of affairs both at home and within the EU? What has not worked out quite the way it should – and what can we do about it?
Partner organizations in Bulgaria, France, Germany, Hungary and Poland invite citizens in their respective countries to discuss the way we perceived the breathtaking events of the years 1989/1990 back then – and how we assess them from today´s perspective. What did we feel, when the Berlin wall came down? Was it joy, fear, uncertainty? What did we expect when the socialist regimes stepped down? Have these expectations been met?
Participants will not only debate these questions within their respective national communities. They are also invited to attend international events organized by the partner organizations, focusing concrete questions of our common European remembrance.
The transnational meetings have taken place. Small delegations from the countries met in Budapest, Veliko Tarnovo and Angoulême, Warsaw and Berlin. Impressions of the lively debates and links to substantive contributions can be found in the ACTIVITIES section.
As a result of the project we realized a documentary: Tears, fears, joy! an interview journey through five european countries. Partners are organising public events around the premiere in their local communities.
This description reflects only the author’s view and the Agency and the Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
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Vergangene Veranstaltungen
SeminarPer Einladung nach Bewerbung
Reluctant Giant – Deutschlands Rolle in Europa
-Vor gut 30 Jahren war die deutsche Einheit ein Katalysator für die europäische Integration. Quasi über Nacht trat die ehemalige DDR der EU bei. Der Systemwandel in Osteuropa ermöglichte den Beitritt …