31. March - 03. April 2022: European concepts of Solidarity, Poland
The aim of the event was to reflect the European idea of solidarity. Before arriving in Warsaw, the participants, as well as the group from Poland, were asked to prepare short presentations in which they would address the issue of European solidarity on the example of their countries, specific activities or projects. Presentations included youth exchange projects between schools in Poland and Germany, community animation projects organised by volunteers in France and Bulgaria, an analysis of the situation in Hungary (in the context of the upcoming parliamentary elections), and activities to support refugees from Ukraine organised by European Clubs in Warsaw. The meeting with Waldemar Kuczyński - an opposition activist of the 1960s and 1970s, minister in T. Mazowiecki's government, was an opportunity to discuss the recent history of Europe after 1989 from the perspective of an experienced participant in those events. We talked, among other things, about the politics of remembrance, democratisation processes in Central and Eastern Europe, or Polish-German relations after 1990, as well as those with Russia, also in the context of current international events. As part of a workshop at the History Meeting House, participants were able to learn about events in Poland's recent history (including the Round Table Talks), as well as familiarise themselves with the Oral History Archive, which is a collection of interviews, recordings with participants/witnesses of events that have marked the recent history of Poland and Central and Eastern Europe. During a guided walk, participants could learn about history through specific places and the architecture of Warsaw, referring in particular to the period after 1945.
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