
Wir verstehen die Welt nicht mehr: Deutschlands Entfremdung von seinen Freunden (We no longer understand the world: Germany's alienation from its friends)
from Christoph von Marschall, hardback edition – 20. August 2018

As the fourth largest economic power on earth, Germany has enormous international influence. But how reliable and fair is the foreign and European policy of the supposed model boy really? What do our neighbours and most important global partners think of us?
Christoph von Marschall examines how willing German politics actually is to act internationally and does not come to a pleasant conclusion. He writes to the government and society how they can turn from an insecure cantonist into a co-guarantor of a liberal world order - by getting rid of many little lies about its special role and not continuing to pretend that it always promotes the good in the world by representing its own interests.

Here you can order the book.

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United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

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Open Democracy

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