The Fall of the Iron Curtain
- A short history of German unification produced by Deutsche Welle
- Interview (2020) with correspondent Francois Thibault of Radio France Internationale on German unification '
- Discussion with young Germans: What does unification mean to them today? (2020)
- Interview (2016) with Wolf Biermann, one of the most famous dissidents of the former GDR
- Interview (2020) with East-German journalist Igor Göldner on the dissident movement and the fall oft he wall
- An overview of the German debate on re-unification in an interesting review of an interesting book (in German only)
- Poland′s role in the fall of the Wall | Europe| News and current affairs from around the continent | DW | 07.11.2014
- Poland's Take on the Berlin Wall | The Krakow Post
- Polish perspective on 30 years of German unity (
- 30 years – the fall of the Berlin wall: What about Europe? « Korydor | magazine about culture
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